Facts at Your Fingertips "Facts at Your Fingertips" are informational packets written for parents who have a child enrolled in the First Steps Early Intervention System. These packets are available in portable document format (.pdf) and require Acrobat Reader in order to read them. If you don't have Acrobat Reader, you may download it for free. To download "Parents' Rights", click here. To download "When You Have A Concern", click here. You can also read these directly online from the First Network Online library by clicking the links below.

Early Intervention is the global term we use to mean services for children, from birth to their third birthday, who have developmental disabilities, developmental delays, or who have risk factors that indicate they may develop delays without the benefit of specific supports and services. Part of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (I.D.E.A.), Early Intervention services are available to children in all 50 states and US territories. In Indiana, the early intervention program is called First Steps. While most of the information on this page is about Indiana's First Steps system, much of it is applicable to other states as well. Included, too, are links to other programs in other states. 
